Truck driver assistance systems – ADAS training sessions at the Digitrans test center for autonomous driving
At the ADAS training session on the proving ground in St. Valentin, truck driving instructors from Hödlmayr were able to learn more about truck driver assistance systems and test them in practice in the safe environment of a proving ground.
Measurement campaign to record the ambient conditions in the outdoor rain plant at the Digitrans test center.
As part of the pioneering EUREKA project “EUREKA Test.EPS”, an extensive measurement campaign was carried out that focused on recording environmental conditions.
Tests were carried out in the Digitrans outdoor rain plant at different rain intensities and speeds.
Road marking systems and autonomous driving – Digitrans expert interview with SWARCO Road Marking Systems
SWARCO Road Marking Systems has been a cooperation partner of Digitrans in the field of road marking systems since July 2021.
Since then, SWARCO’s road marking experts have been testing the readability of road markings for the sensors of modern vehicles in the Digitrans Test Center for Autonomous Driving under a wide range of external conditions.